Clever use of plant ash to prevent flower diseases such as leaf blight, white powder, and root rot

Plant ash can not only supply flowers and other nutrients, but also has a good effect on prevention and treatment of flower diseases and insect pests.

Prevention of leaf blight: 1 kg of herbaceous ash, tea cake, sulfur powder and 1.5 kg of lime were mixed into crushed flour and mixed uniformly. 1.5 to 2.5 grams of flowers were sprayed on each pot with leaf blight.

Control of leaf spot disease: 3 kg of plant ash and 1 kg of quick lime powder are mixed and spread, and 40 to 60 grams per pot, or sifting and dusting, or individually spraying plant ash.

Control root rot: ash has a good control effect on flower root rot. The specific method of operation is to first open the roots of the soil and remove the mud around the roots. The root bark of the lesion was scraped off. Each plant applied 0.5 to 1 kg of arboriculture to cover the roots and cover the soil.

Prevent powdery mildew: The flowers that produce powdery mildew can be 5 to 10 cm away from the main trunk and go to a depth of 5 to 10 centimeters of root soil. Each plant covers 0.5 to 3 kilograms of ash, and the ash is covered with thin soil.

Prevention and treatment of diseases at the seedling stage: flowers and nursery seedlings are prone to blight, anthracnose, etc. When the humidity is high and the temperature is low, the seedling disease is heavy and often a large number of dead seedlings. Grass ash can be used to spread the ridge and the amount of mu is 20 to 25 kg.

Control locusts: sifting the plants and ash into the ground. When the morning dew is not dry (or sprinkle water first), spray the plant ash on the worm body. You can also use gauze to disperse the ash. Sprinkle it once every three to five days and spread it 2-3 times. .

Prevention and treatment of root rot: In the event of damage to the flowers during the seedling stage, if pesticides are used for irrigation and rooting prevention and control are prone to phytotoxicity, 30 to 40 kilograms of plant ash may be planted in the seedlings. The method of application is to spread the ash uniformly on the sorghum surface at the seedling stage, and then turn it evenly to fully mix the ash with the soil. Before planting or before planting, plant ash can be applied to the ditch and then sown or planted.

Prevention of underground pests: When raising seedlings, bulbous flowers and seedlings are often harmed by earthworms and other underground pests. The use of vegetation and ash as a base fertilizer for prevention and control, or planting of blocks with plant ash can significantly reduce the damage.

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