Jinbao homemade organic fertilizer has the effect of improving crop weight

With the increasingly severe situation of desertification and desertification in the world, there are fewer and fewer arable lands, and the contradiction between people and land is becoming more prominent in China. Re-cultivating farming is the only way to solve problems. However, the resulting soil-borne diseases, such as the disease, caused a large area of ​​crops to reduce production and yield. The general incidence rate is 10~30%, and the plants often die, causing the lack of seedlings and ridges, which can reach up to 80~90%, and even the whole park is dead, resulting in an absolute loss. It is a devastating disease. Gibbs disease has become a key topic for agricultural experts and farmers to study and pay attention to, but there have been no major breakthroughs over a long period of time. Heavy-duty (continuous-crop) land is actually a very serious place for toxins, viruses, and virus diseases.
Heavy cropping, also known as continuous cropping, refers to the continuous cultivation of the same crop on a field. The problem of repinning is mainly manifested in the following aspects:
The first is lack of nutrition. For many years, the same crop has been planted continuously. Because the crops have their own favorite nutrients, if this element is consumed after years, if you do not pay attention to supplement this element, it will easily lead to deficiency of the disease.
The second is the change in soil structure and pH. For long-term continuous cropping, the soil humus is reduced, and the granule structure is easily destroyed. Changes in the microbial population in the soil may lead to changes in soil acidity and alkalinity.
Third, the number of pests and diseases has increased. In particular, soil-borne diseases and subterranean pests accumulate due to continuous cropping for many years, which can easily cause sudden outbreaks of certain pests and diseases.
The fourth is the accumulation of salts. Due to long-term continuous cropping and improper fertilization, soil nutrient loss or salt accumulation can easily occur. In particular, the excessive application of chemical fertilizers and the use of chemical fertilizers to substitute organic fertilizers for the wrong fertilization methods cause salt accumulation and serious formation of saline-alkali soils.
Fifth, increased autotoxicity. Under normal growth conditions, crop roots secrete toxic substances, and microorganisms in the soil release harmful substances. After many years of continuous cropping, when the soil harmful substances reach a certain critical concentration, they will cause toxic effects.
The adoption of a planting method that can improve the weight of some crops can improve some of the obstacles but it cannot be completely solved. On the basis of the implementation of the second-year planting, the emphasis on soil improvement is the most effective way to solve the obstacles. How can we effectively improve the soil and reduce the problem of double weighting?
I. Using the golden babe fertilizer fermenting agent to fully decompose the manure and other organic fertilizers such as chicken manure. Applying it to heavily-damaged fields can improve the soil; supply sufficient nutrients for the vegetables for a long time; improve soil fertility to avoid soil fatigue; cultivate beneficial microorganisms and improve Vegetable disease resistance. And it can avoid the problem of burning seedlings caused by incomplete farming of manure.
Second, it can promote the activities of soil microorganisms.
Soil beneficial microorganisms are one of the most important indicators of soil fertility. Many substances and energy conversion processes in soil are inseparable from soil microorganisms. For example, the organic mineralization process and the nitrogen fixation process of leguminous plants are all related to the role of soil microorganisms. . The application of organic fertilizer not only increases the population of soil beneficial microorganisms, but also provides energy and nutrients for the survival and reproduction of microorganisms, thereby affecting the level of soil fertility.
Third, maintain and promote soil nutrient balance.
The various nutrients that crops consume from the soil can be returned to the soil through the use of organic fertilizers. In agricultural production, only the balance of nutrients is properly grasped, and organic fertilizers and inorganic fertilizers are used to increase soil fertility.
Fourth, reduce the cost of fertilizer.
Organic manure can be locally sourced, used locally, with a wide range of sources and low cost. Increasing organic manure can not only increase nutrients, improve soil fertility, but also increase the utilization of chemical fertilizers, and correspondingly reduce the amount of chemical fertilizers, thus reducing fertilization. Cost is one of the important measures to increase efficiency of agriculture. Details can be consulted: Beijing Huaxia Kangyuan Technology Co., Ltd. Telephone Toll Free Hotline:

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