Energy feed processing modulation

The nutritive value and digestibility of energy feeds are generally high, but seed coats, hard shells, and internal starch granules all affect the digestion, absorption, and utilization of nutrients. Therefore, this type of feed must be processed before feeding so that it can fully play its role.

1. Crushing This is the simplest and most common method of processing. The crushed seeds are convenient for chewing by rabbits, increasing the contact area between the feed and the digestive juice, so that the digestive effect is relatively complete, thereby improving the digestibility and utilization of the feed.

2. Soak the feed into the tank or tank and add water at a ratio of 1:1 to 1:1.5 for soaking. After soaking, the feeds of cereals, beans and oil cakes become swelled and softened, facilitating the digestion of rabbits. Soaking some feeds can reduce some of the toxicity and odor, thus improving the palatability. However, soaking time should be well mastered, soaking time is too long, it will cause the loss of nutrients, palatability will also be reduced, and some energy feed will even deteriorate because of long soaking.

3. Cooked potatoes, beans and other energy feed can not be fed, must be cooked. At the same time, cooking can also improve its palatability and digestibility, but the cooking time generally cannot exceed 20 minutes.

4. Germinated grains After germinating, some proteins are broken down into amino acids. At the same time, the contents of sugar, carotene, vitamin E, vitamin C and B vitamins also increased significantly. This method is mainly used in winter and spring seasons that lack green feed.

5. Pelletizing rabbits have the habit of biting hard foods. This hobby can stimulate the secretion of digestive tract in rabbits and promote the peristalsis of the digestive tract in rabbits, thus improving the digestion and absorption rate of rabbits. Formulating the compound feed into granules can ripen the starch; it can change the anti-nutritional factors in soybean, soybean cake and cereal feed, and reduce the harm to rabbits; it can maintain the homogeneity of the feed. Therefore, granulation can significantly increase the palatability and digestibility of formulated feeds.

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