Summer diet how to add vitamins

Nutritionists recommend that in the summer of high temperatures, it is best to replenish the body with a certain amount of vitamins b1, b2 and calcium foods every day. This will help the body to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates and tissue proteins and contribute to health. Therefore, in the summer we should eat more tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, fruits and animal liver and other foods to supplement the body needs vitamin b1, b2 and calcium.

Eat bitter food

The weather is hot in summer and I always like to eat iced sugar, desserts, and feel good entrance. But I do not know how much heat is absorbed. In the three meals a day, pay attention to eat more bitter food. Bitter foods are not palatable in taste, but they are healthy foods for the summer holidays.

Pay attention to vitamin supplements

2. Summer should be nourishing health supplement

Invigorating and nourishing the body, you can usually choose some foods with light and nourishing effects to make dishes, soups or porridges. The foods like lean meat, duck, shrimp, and mushrooms are all very good. You can usually eat more. Food has the effect of increasing appetite and refreshing fitness, but also can supplement the body needs nutrition.

3. Don't forget to add salt and potassium

Summer sweats more, and more salt is lost in the body. So pay attention to eating more salty foods to supplement the body's lost salt and reach the balance your body needs. When you sweat more than usual, you can eat more potassium, like peaches, pears, apricots, soybeans, celery, which are rich in potassium, should eat more. The special attention to sweet treats, although the cake in the freezer is so tempting.

4. Summer days should be filled

The summer diet should be based on the principles of cleansing, spleen, and moisturizing in the summer. We should choose foods that have a light and nourishing effect. If you want to eat spicy hotpots to fight poison with poison, take care of yourself.

Summer nutrition diet health problems, but everyone should pay attention in the summer, oh, for good health, we must keep in mind!

Disposable Vaccine Syringe

A vaccine Syringe is a medical device used to inject vaccines. It usually consists of a syringe body and an injection needle. The syringe body is usually a plastic or glass tube with an internal piston and an injection needle connection port. The piston can be moved by pushing or pulling to control the amount of liquid injected. A syringe needle is a sharp metal needle that is used to penetrate the skin and inject the vaccine into the body.

Vaccine syringes are commonly used to administer vaccines to prevent disease. Through a vaccine syringe, the vaccine is injected into the body. The use of vaccine syringes can ensure the accuracy of the vaccine dose and the hygiene of the injection site, thereby avoiding infection and other risks during vaccination.

A vaccine syringe is a common medical device used to inject vaccines to prevent diseases.

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