What kind of food is good for summer? 5 kinds of melon can not be less

The best day to eat melon

Chinese medicine believes that winter melon is slightly cold and sweet. Diuretic swelling, thirst and other therapeutic effects. For hot cough, fever, polydipsia or diabetes, edema, urination unfavorable.

Recommended Recipe: steamed melon juice

Ingredients: 1 soft winter melon (not detached), rock sugar.

Practice: In the melon cut a lid, fill in the amount of rock sugar, and then seal with a lid, put the steamer steamed juice, 2 drinks.

It's best to eat cucumber during dog days

Chinese medicine believes that cucumber is sweet and cool. In the lungs, spleen, stomach. Heat, water, detoxification. The main fever is thirsty, short urine, urine edema, water and fire burns, sweat spots.

Recommended Recipe: Cucumber Mix

Material: Cucumber, mung bean powder, garlic, sesame paste, sesame oil.


1. Turn the garlic into garlic and mix the ingredients together.

2. Cucumber peeled from the middle of the two and a half, with a knife to cut the segment after the cucumber shoot bad;

3. Mung bean powder first soaked in clean water for 15 minutes, boiled in boiling water, into a wide strip;

4. Mix the cucumber segments with the mung bean flour into the juice;

5. Add sesame paste at the end and shake it evenly with your hands or with chopsticks.

It's best to eat bitter gourd

Chinese medicine believes that bitter gourd is bitter and cold. Qingrejiedu, eyesight. For heatstroke, toothache, diarrhea, dysentery, blood in the stool.

Recommended Recipe: Bitter Gourd Juice

Materials: three raw bitter gourds, 60 grams of sugar;

Practices: Wash the bitter gourd first, smash rotten, add white sugar and mix well. After 2 hours, squeeze out the juice and take a one-time cool drink.

Efficacy: This juice has the effect of clearing away heat and dampness, and is effective for expectoration. It is suitable for deafness caused by hot and humid disturbance, ear pain, red tongue yellow coating and short urine.

The best day to eat papaya

According to traditional Chinese medicine, papaya is warm and sour, and it enters the liver and spleen; it has the efficacy of eliminating food, removing insects, clearing heat, and removing wind. Attending stomach pain, indigestion, hot dry cough, milk blocked, eczema, parasitic diseases, pain in hands and feet and other diseases.

Recommended Recipe: Papaya Tremella Soup

Materials: papaya, white fungus, lotus seeds, alfalfa, crystal sugar;


1. Papaya cut in half, lotus seeds washed;

2. White fungus and cockroach soaked in cold water for about 30 minutes;

3. Papaya peeled and cut into pieces, tremella tear into small pieces, all raw materials ready;

4. Put the appropriate amount of water in the pot, boil it and turn it to a small fire.

5. Put the white fungus, lotus seeds and rock sugar into the bowl and cook for about 30 minutes;

6. Put the papaya fast and cook for 5 minutes before turning off the heat.

Dog days to eat watermelon best

Chinese medicine believes that the watermelon is sweet, cold, heart, stomach and bladder. It has the effect of clearing away heat, quenching thirst and diuresis. Helps cure chest phlegm, fullness and discomfort, urination, mouth and nose sores, heat, heat stroke, hangover poison embolism.

1, heat and heat: fresh watermelon rind 100 grams, jujube 10, a total of Jiantang, when the tea every day.

2, impotence: watermelon rind cut, boiled water, remove, and cooked chicken, lean meat and seasoning food.

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